Crystal vision salve
Crystal Vision Salve:
This salve is made with high grade organic olive oil that has been infused with hawthorn flowers and berries, rose petals, and pink yarrow. These plants help us connect with and trust in our heart wisdom and provide nourishment to the heart area in return for its hard work. Also featured in this salve is phenacite gem essence, made in spring water collected with gratitude from Mt. Shasta, and comfrey flower essence. Phenacite is a high vibration gem that aids us in our ability to connect with our psychic intuition and cleanse our auras with pure radiant light. Comfrey is a great healer and cleanser, it is used here to clear away the fog that sometimes blocks our path towards our abundant wisdom. Use the salve in times when you need an extra boost to help you access and trust in your ability to know your path. Use a small dab over your heart if you are needing heart wisdom, or on your forehead or temples for connecting to your psychic wisdom/intuition.